Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha,Dowladaha Hoose Iyo Dib U Heshisiinta ee Konfur galbeed waxey ka heshay maalgelin mashruuca xasilinta ( Stabilization support) ee Dowladaha hoose,ee ay taageerto UNDP oo wada shaqayn La leh wasaaradda arimaha gudaha gaar ahaan mashruuca horumarint aadeega Dawladdaha Hoose iyo maamul daadajinta
Maalgalintan waxaa loo asteeyey in Dhismo cusub ee Suuqa degmada hudur (Hudur New market Construction)
Shaqooyinka laga qabanaayo waa waa dhismo cusub waxey ku cad yihiin DOCUMENTIGA BOQ-ga (BOQ FILE):
Sidaa Awgeed Wasaaraddu waxey wargalineysaa Qandaraasleyda daneyneysa in ay u tartamaan fulinta mashruucan in ay kala dagaan
Documentiga qandaraaska mareegtan (link): Download document laga billaabo taariikhda: 10ka bisha ilaa 19ka bisha November 2023 .
Fiiro-gaar ah
Qandaraaslaha waxaa laga rabaa in uu documentiga Ku soodiraan
MOILGR SWS is publicly advertising this tender of Hudur New market Construction, with support from UNDP stabilization project. MOILGR SWS invites local companies to apply this tender should they comply all the requirements as indicated below:
1.Licenses/Registrations: The company should submit the following registrations/
- Valid registration or operating license permits from the Ministries of public works, Reconstruction & Housing at Federal Government of Somalia and at State level – Southwest State.
- Tax compliance certificate: Submit evidence of valid State level tax compliance certificate.
Note1: All registrations will be shared with the relevant authorities for clearance. Those who fail to submit a valid/genuine registrations will not concorded in the next stage of analysis.
2. Experience: The company should fill in the below table for previous 5 main relevant contracts on construction and rehabilitation works that the company has implemented with Government institutions, INGO’s or UN agencies and attach the respective 5 contracts.
Note2: Fake contracts will lead automatic disqualification as MOILGR SWS will do reference checking on the contacts with the implementing agencies.
SN | Activity Description | Contract Amount in USD | Activity implemented location | Year of implementation | Name of the Organization worked with and their contact email |
1 |
2 |
3 |
3. Human and material resources: Possess necessary resources, human and material, and ability to mobilize such a resource at short notice to undertake project works (Please attach CVs of all relevant personnel i.e., engineers and list of all readily available equipment owned or rented by the company).
4. Company Finances: presents a dully signed statement/declaration confirming that the company is financially in good position and able to pre-finance project works as this is necessary.
5. Filled BOQs with stamp & signature.
6. Audited financial statement for the last 3 years.
7. Detailed work plan
8. Bank statement of the last 6 months.
All interested contractors/suppliers are requested to send electronically all the above support documents/requirements to MOILGR SWS latest by 19th November 2023 before 11:59PM (Local time) through this email: Moisws.procurement@gmail.com.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
The subject of your application email shall be named as per advertisement title “Hudur New market Construction”. Any enquiries or questions may be addressed to MOILGR SWS through the above-mentioned email.