Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Southwest State of Somalia
Institutional Capacity Assessment and Re-Organization of Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Southwest State of Somalia
- Introduction
For over two decades, Somalia experienced protracted conflict and fragility, the collapse of public sector institutions, basic public services, and the social contract, resulting in the impoverishment of millions. The 2012 Provisional Constitution established a federal political structure, including a parliament, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMS) of Somalia. Somalia has also undertaken three successful peaceful electoral processes between 2012 and 2022.The Public sector development at Federal Member states especially in South-Central States requires support to achieve required modernization and harmonization of mandates for efficiency and effective services delivery.
The absence of clear policies and guidelines on recruitment has encouraged arbitrary hiring staff into ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) without due consideration for quality of the staff being hired and the negative impact on the country’s wage bill. The recruitment of staff should be based on open and transparent procedures and align with the government development priorities and strategies. The civil service continues to grow and cost but basic civil service line functions are not being performed satisfactorily primarily due to poor recruitment.
There is an urgent need to improve policy reform in the areas of recruitment, establishment control and wage bill management, efficient delivery of public services and talent management. A more systematic way of improving public administration to impact positively on government’s fiscal position needs to be adopted.
Supporting the MoECC to achieve required institutional efficiency and harmonization of roles and responsibilities for the staff will enhance its capacity to deliver on its environmental conservation and climate Change management mandate. Save the Children International (SCI) Somalia Office realizes the importance of supporting the MoECC in Southwest State to enhance its capacity in determining their optimal structure and staffing needs in line with their mandates and establish administrative policies, procedures, and controls to manage civil service staff establishment. The Support will seek to set the platform for future Ministry capacity support and services delivery as per the Federal Government of Somalia and Southwest State government public sector development priorities.
- Objective
The objective of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to support organizational assessment Environment & Climate Change (MoECC) in Southwest State of Somalia. The assessment will focus on review of mandates, functions, organizational structures, and staffing needs including infrastructure and technology gaps. The MOECC will be taken through a visioning process to fashion out its vision, mission and value statements. The result of the assessment will facilitate the identification of critical and strategic positions to be filled, and appropriate skills and personnel mix needed to perform assigned functions. The assignment will also develop policies and procedures for managing establishment ceilings and controlling the size and cost of the institutional wage bill management.
Approach and Methodology
The assignment will be conducted through a participatory approach involving key staff of MOECC in Southwest State of Somalia. The assignment will require physical visit to Baidoa, Southwest State of Somalia.
The consultant will adopt a cluster approach for the assessment and will undertake a functional analysis of the existing ministry structure, functions, and mandates to ensure they are aligned with Federal and State Environment and climate Change goals, strategies and plans. The review will seek to identify any duplication of functions with other state institutions and avoid internal replication and fragmentation of roles and responsibilities. Functions and functions
The Scope of Assignment
The assignment will be delivered in two (2) phases and in two (2) stages as follows:
Phase 1 will cover the Re-organization and Modernization of MoECC.
This will focus on the organizational assessment and revision of the organizational structure and organogram of the MoECC-SWS. It will include definition of mandates, functions, key deliverables, and key positions.
Phase 2 will cover the development of change management plans for the Ministry.
This entails determination of skills and personnel mix requirements and staffing plan/matrix and preparation of job descriptions; Development of Change Management Plan and action plan to implement and monitor compliance.
- Key Tasks of Assignment
The consultant, working closely with senior officials of the MoECC, will perform the following duties:
- Conduct internal and external diagnosis of issues impacting on the performance of MoECC and related agencies in the state to determine areas that need improvement.
- Formulate the vision, mission and core values of the ministries and agencies through a participatory process that involves key senior staff.
- Appropriately align mandates and vision to the development agenda of the government
- Review the functions and organizational structures and align them to the mandate and mission of the ministries and agencies.
- Propose optimal structuring of the ministries including functional units (both line and staff functions) and develop their respective organograms based on design principles of compactness (span of control, clarity of roles and clarity of controls), performance accountability; coordination; and cost effectiveness/efficiency.
- Pay particular attention to departments and units that have responsibility for HR, Policy Planning, Financial management, Procurement, M&E, Statistics and Data Management, Research, and ICT
- Determine staffing requirements based on the proposed organizational structure.
- Determine the infrastructural needs including furniture, technology and other work-related support structures.
- Facilitate a government-led process to validate the proposed structure and undertake rationalization of existing staff based on the new organizational structure.
- Recommend placement of existing staff in departments and units of the new structure that ensures their enhanced productivity.
- Determine critical functions and positions that need to be filled externally to significantly improve performance of the ministries and agencies.
- Assess policy gaps including systems and procedures to manage finance and budget, procurement, performance, training and development, policy planning and monitoring of service delivery, and records including personnel records, ICT, etc.
- Develop a change management plan and facilitate implementation of identified reforms.
- Develop change management plans for MDAs covered in the re-organization exercise.
- Deliverables
- A work plan to implement the assignment.
- Draft reports on:
- Clear statement of mandate, vision, mission and core values of all MDAs documented together as one report.
- organizational structure including departmental and unit structures and functions, and deliverables of all MDAs documented together as one report.
- Staffing requirements of each MDA but documented together as one report.
- Placement of existing staff documented together as one report.
- Vacant positions documented as one report; and
- Job descriptions for all positions recommended as part of the new organization.
- Change management plan
- Policy gaps assessment report
- Validation workshop for the proposed changes
- Final report with the approved functional review and change management plan.
Key qualification of the Specialist
- A Masters’ degree preferably in organizational development, human resource management, strategic planning, public administration, or business-related field.
- Demonstrated experience working with governments of developing countries including fragile and conflict-affected states. Experience working in Somalia is an advantage.
- Demonstrated application of strategic planning and organization development tools in creating strategic organizations.
- Minimum of 15 years professional experience in change management including working with public sector institutions.
- Proven ability to deliver results in complex and challenging environments.
- Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate orally, and in writing.
- Excellent interpersonal skills ability to build consensus and good judgment in dealing with politically sensitive issues.
- Time frame
The assignment is for 30 days. The assignment will commence on October 2023and end on first week of Nov 2023
- Payment Terms
The Consultancy services will be milestone based as per the schedule below.
- 30% of total amount payable upon submission of inception report
- 40% of total amount payable upon submission of the draft reports
- 30% of the total amount payable upon submission of post validation final reports.
- Reporting
The consultant will work closely with senior officials of MOECC in Southwest State of Somalia and will report directly to the Director General of Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. He/she will also report to the Save the Chilfren International Somalia Office on the performance of the assignment. The MOECC and SCI will be responsible for the Coordination of the assignment. MOECC will guide and lead directly on the staffing and establishment control procedures and guidelines as per the Federal and Southwest State Ministries of Labour guidelines.
All assignment reports shall be submitted in electronic format to MoECC and SCI.
11 Consultant Roles and responsibilities
MoECC will be responsible for facilitating the logistics for the assignment including hotel accommodation, security, local transportation and meetings coordination.
12 How to Apply
Interested consultants are encouraged to send their applications to this email address minister@moecc.sw.so not later than 1st October 2023