RFP – Reparations of solar streetlights & purchasing new solar streetlights in Hudur

  • Procurement
  • Hudur




Reparations of solar streetlights & purchasing new solar streetlights in Hudur

Introduction: The Southwest Ministry of Interior Local Government, in partnership with hudur Council, is spearheading the Stabilization support Activities in Hudur-Somalia. This collaborative effort is bolstered by the generous support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The primary objective of this initiative is enabling communities to see their lives return to normality is possible only if they have access to public services including security, education, health, livelihood possibilities and access to justice. The activities under this stabilization programme will: i) ensure that they do not undermine the effectiveness or sustainability of programmes with longer-term horizons; ii) lay the foundation for such longer-term programmes that build institutions for inclusive governance and renewed social contract, including through wider structural reforms; and iii) ensure that all interventions are carried out with the view to strengthening community cohesion and a commitment to Do No Harm.
Project Overview: Strengthening the capacity of FGS and FMS (including local authorities) to provide basic services through undergoing rehabilitation and construction of productive infrastructures. Strengthening the capacity of the local government for better community services through promoting social cohesion and integration.
Scope of Work: Procurement of Reparation of 37 Solar Street lights, and Purchase and installation of 35 new solar streetlights to be installed on the newly rehabilitated roads and around the new market in Hudur.
Deadline All interested contractors/suppliers are requested to send electronically all the above support documents/requirements to MOILGR SWS latest by 15th April 2023 before 11:59PM (Local time) through these emails:



Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The subject of your application email shall be named as per advertisement title “Reparation of solar streetlights & purchasing new solar streetlights in hudur”.

Any enquiries or questions may be addressed to MOILGR SWS through the above-mentioned email.


Mandatory requirement MOILGR SWS is publicly advertising this procurement of Reparation of solar streetlights and purchasing new solar streetlights in Hudur district, with support from UNDP stabilization project. MOILGR SWS invites local companies to apply this tender should they comply all the requirements as indicated below:

1.       Licenses/Registrations: The company should submit the following registrations/

§  Valid registration or operating license permits from the Ministries of public works, Reconstruction & Housing at Federal Government of Somalia and at State level – Southwest State.

§  Tax compliance certificate: Submit evidence of valid State level tax compliance certificate.

Note1: All registrations will be shared with the relevant authorities for clearance. Those who fail to submit valid/genuine registrations will not concurred in the next stage of analysis.

2– Experience: The company should fill in the below table for previous 3 main relevant contracts on construction and rehabilitation works that the company has implemented with Government institutions, INGO’s or UN agencies and attach the respective 3 contracts.

3– Technical responsive/full compliance to requirements and lowest price.

4– Detailed items quantity Creating an Annex showing items quantity.

5– Bank statement of the last 6 months.

Technical Evaluation, Financial Proposal (Total points – 30). The technical proposal will account for a weight of 70% while the financial proposal will account for 30%.

Financial proposals will only be considered from firms that score at least 50 points in the technical Proposal. The maximum number of points (i.e., 30 points) will be assigned to the lowest priced proposal, which will be opened and compared among the invited firms that have reached the threshold points (50 Points) for the technical assessment. All other price offers will receive points inversely proportional to The lowest price.

